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South Park Zone

Season 13/Episode 1301 - The Ring
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About This South Park Episode
Kenny and his new girlfriend go to a Jonas brothers' concert. Thinking it's his way into her heart and other body parts, Kenny takes his new girlfriend to a Jonas brothers concert. his dream of taking their relationship to the next level is crushed when the Jonas brothers give them purity rings.

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  1. no wonder kenny's family is poor!they have to pay for so many funerals!

  2. Love kenny (not gay)he's like me sex,gettin high some times barly talk n poor the only thing I'm not like is I don't die everytime...I just get hurt -_-

  3. all i see for every video is a white screen and i'm unable to play the episodes.

    is this happening to anyone else?

  4. ^ Yeah, it's happening to me too. It happens every now & then. You have to clear your cache if you want to watch them but that's temporary. You'll just have to do it again.... until the mods address the issue.
