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South Park Zone

Season 13/Episode 1302 - The Coon

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About this South Park Episode
"The Coon" rises from the trash and takes his place as a lone vigilante who wipes out crime in the town of South Park. A rival superhero appears on the scene in the form of "Mysterion" and challenges the Coon's place as a "symbol" for the town.

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  1. who the hell is the kid?all the faces look alike if you get rid of their hair!

  2. that kid is stan! how dumb are u, if u wathched all of da episodeds, stan always comes 2 kyle 4 help. go figure?

  3. Thats the Point They Dont Want To Let You Now So It Frustrates Everyone.

  4. Obviously, the fact that all the kids look alike was supposed to be funny. The fact that you only see the kid's eyes is supposed to be a joke; because it doesn't narrow it down one bit. =P

    Anyway, it's probably Wendy, actually. Because of her one line,
    "How do you know Mysterion is a boy?"
    I think this was intentional to make the joke funnier.

  5. Ahhh.. It's Cartman
