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South Park Zone

South Park Zone Season 20/Episode 2006 - Fort Collins

About This South Park Episode:
An entire city in Colorado gets hacked. Gerald and Cartman may lose everything when their complete history of internet activity becomes public.


  1. Please vote Trump, I beg you. We need a leader.

  2. get outta here douche

  3. Trump is never going to be President, moron. Look at the polls. Clinton is killing him...

  4. LOL What polls did you look at, Trump is sweeping the nation like a wheel through a delta cotton field.

  5. people watch south park who is clearly telling them the elections are a joke and people still think the elections are legit? you gotta be kidding me.

  6. The elections aren't rigged. That's the equivalent to a 9/11 conspiracy theory in terms of utter stupidity. Donald Trump is losing because most people hate him (Aside from stupid rednecks) & have had enough of him.

  7. What is with this season? And the member berries gag is stupid.

    Oh yeah... Trump's not going to win. Move on, people.

  8. Yea they are. Delegates elect the president and super delegates can cast their vote for whoever they want. Bernie, having the popular vote, should have got the nomination, but because of Clinton's economic and political influence, she was able to sway the votes of the super delegates. Although legal, it's rigged.

  9. Bernie's pipe dream policies never would have been approved by congress.

  10. so boring. i'm done with this stupid show after this season.

    wtf was that. unfunny, uninteresting, unnoticeable.

    the berry things are really stupid and not funny.

    south park should just quit already. should have ended by season 12 so we could ask what if instead of saying south park is shit.

  11. South Park is Still great so Fuck off.

  12. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck all of you bernie/clinton advocates. Trump won and good thing he did. Not because he's the end all be all for this country, but because bernie/clinton only appealed to the younger, less educated individuals that dont know shit about politics. Just because your now old enough to vote doesn't mean your all of a sudden a political genius. Matt Stone n Trey Parker? My gd heroes keep doing the damn thing.

  13. KING tROLL, get back to Desperate Housewives. You might see me fucking your mom this season.

  14. "Trump is never going to be President, moron."
    "Trump is never going to be President, moron."
    "Trump is never going to be President, moron."
    "Trump is never going to be President, moron."
    "Trump is never going to be President, moron."
    "Trump is never going to be President, moron."

