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South Park Zone

Season 11/Episode 1104 - The Snuke

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About this South Park episode:
A political campaign rally of Hillary Clinton will take place in South Park. Cartman works against a possible terrorist attack.

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  1. Funny as heck, But i think the british part with the boats and old fashioned stuff was over the top, But i did laugh when the queen killed herself.

  2. this episode proves america is the worst country on the plant, full of fat racists an haters but yet thier president is black lol (the slave became the master) and isnt it the french tht are old fashioned not the british,but apart from tht great episode, the queen killing herself was awsome

  3. What plant is America on, now?

  4. i love south park seen every episode but I am british and no we fucking dont sail those things! America is ull of inconsiderate ass holes who only care about themselves. They insult others but have a squeaky fucking fanny fit whenever insulted back.

  5. Yeah! Every American sucks because all they ever do is go around being bigots and smack-talking other countries by stereotyping us all! That's why the entire country of America is the worst on the planet, because I've talked to a few americans and I know for a fact that they jump to conclusions and are overly presumptuous of other countries. It's like they don't even care aboot anybody else! Except for when they go around the world taking care of people and stuff, but that doesn't count. Because every american is a bigoted stereotype-caller!

  6. im british and im not ofended all u guys are confirming a steryo type by being a whiney little bitch

  7. Dude their are stereotypes that Americans use on themselves too... You can cry all you want about it. But its just part of the comedy. Humor is just one of the many things that so many people have lost. Grow up.

  8. I think it was a most exhilirating episode, i also thought it was funny as fuck when that dumb bitch the queen killed her faciast self i thunk all cartoons should show the queen taking a gun and sticking it in her mouth then slowly pulling the trigger.......BANG!!!!

  9. oh by the way im british so yeah .... fuck the queen

  10. everyone had the same ringtone XD

  11. umm so british people are getting offended
    im britis im from yourkshire we dont like anyone talkin about us
    i didnt get opffended what is they to get offended by
    okay americans are arseholes and they only care about themselvs but dont most english people or french or aussies
    cmon south park is a good show what havnt they took the piss out of yet
    they took the pis out of gingers im ginger i wasnt offended just chill out dudes

  12. Hillary is going to win! #ImWithHer

  13. "Everyone in South Park is going to die......forever!"
    Really? I thought they would die for 10 minutes.
