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South Park Zone

Season 3/Episode 309 - Jewbilee

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About this South Park episode:
This night of the meteor shower falls on the night of Jewbilee, an evening camp when the Jew Scouts around Colorado gather and participate in various activities. Squirts, or Jewish kindergartners bound for Scouthood, are also present, and several of them are abducted by a bear. Turns out the bear's cub has a birthday that night, but had no one to celebrate with. The bear abducted the Squirts so her cub could have some company.


  1. and ends here.I wonder what kenny was doing on the night of the meteor shower?probably getting killed by a meteor!

  2. that's not true... jews dont pray to moses, we are not christians, we pray and praise god and god only...
    this is one of the most basic things in the jewish religion, havent u ever heard about the ten commandments!?

  3. The best trilogy of the series.
