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South Park Zone

Season 2/Episode 205 - Conjoined Fetus Lady

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About this South Park episode:
An innocent game of elementary school dodgeball reveals that Pip has an unnatural ability which makes him the team ringer, but also sends Kyle to the feared school nurse. Anxiety ridden from school stories of how no child comes back alive from a visit with Nurse Gollem, Kyle survives and informs the gang that she's no monster, but suffers from Conjoined Twin Msylexia - a dead fetus is attached to her head! Kyle's mom Sheila takes it upon herself to launch a Conjoined Twin Msylexia awareness campaign, educating the citizens of South Park about the disorder and humiliating Nurse Gollem in the process. Meanwhile, the Cows beat Denver in the State Finals and are sent to China to compete for the World Championship dodgeball title against the dreaded Chinese.

1 comment:

  1. Principal Victoria was was an underrated character. Her sarcasm towards Kyle's mom was funnier than anything that PC Principal has done.
