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South Park Zone

Season 6/Episode 603 - Asspen

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About this South Park episode:
The boys are on their own on the slopes of Asspen. Stan gets challenged to a ski race and must win in order to save the youth center, get the girl, and free the trapped spirits of the Wakacha Vampire Indians. Not that he really give a s...t about those things.

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  1. he does eventually give a shit "about those things. It seems like Aspen has a Sh**y effect on Stan. As it seem to have on the eligibility of the some of the poor people of write episode descriptions for this site!

  2. yes. great gramer there, bud, but i agree son!^^

  3. Both of you guys are fucking stupid assholes go die in a ditch you fairy ass dildo punchers

  4. Man i swear to god i will bomb the shit out of all of your sorry ass, god forsaken, fat, stupid, capitalist, highly obese, shit show your mother calls a garden!

    I hate gnomes you dumb fu**s

  5. "Our son is a perfect void filler"
